Not only are your customers there, they also want to hear from you. According to a Nielson survey, over the next two years, 67% of people using chat apps plan to use messaging apps to communicate with businesses. “We have a two-sided network,” says David Marcus, vice president of messaging products at Facebook. “There are 15 million businesses using Pages and 1.6 billion people using Facebook as their identity. These can now come together in contextual and canonical threads. For the duration of your interaction, everything stays in one place, unlike emails. " Advertising Continue reading below Facebook bots allow marketers to be more personal, more proactive, and more streamlined in how you interact with your customers.
By automating responses, you can fax list scale personalized communication and reach more people with the right message. But when do you need to take serious action to build one? And where to start a marketing strategy? Obvious Use Cases for Facebook Bots To give an idea of the possibilities of Messenger bots, I want to highlight two of the strongest from a user experience perspective. News updates with TechCrunch techcrunch-messenger-bot Not the oldest editing bot, but in my opinion the best. The Tech on selected topics that interest them in a very personalized way. After introducing yourself, you can type in any topic and the bot renders a selection of three stories before asking if you want to subscribe.
It's an ideal example of how publishers can get subscribers and send content directly to them without having to compete with newsfeed algorithms. Advertising Continue reading below To put the usability of the TechCrunch chatbot into perspective, play with Facebook bots from CNN, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg. The results? TechCrunch revealed on the Messenger Blog “Since launch, we have seen tremendous growth in active user sessions. Without sharing too much data, I can say that within a few months I expect it to rival the current monthly session numbers we get from our TechCrunch app. » Conversational commerce with 1-800-Flowers 1800 flower messenger bot 1-800-Flowers is the best known email bot, started at F8 by Mark Zuckerberg himself.