This combination motion gives each player a unique feeling and rhythm when dribbling the ball, giving players the ability to 2K22 MT control the combination of actions, especially the signature moves of many famous players, such as James Harden's constant Crossover Steph Curry's machine gun Players are able to control the dribble, KD's Hesitation hesitation step , and Luka's back and forth dribble!
In addition, the speed rocker that was featured on the latest generation console is only present in the previous episode. is also in place when it is moved quickly so that a quicker dribbling move can be achieved. There are over 50 fancy dribble patterns to choose from in the game.
Players can trigger the fast dribble combinations using a combination of pressing and pushing up the stick on the right which allows the player to easily eliminate the opponent. develop a variety of fancy dribbles which make a pleasing sight!
For the Gameplay screenon the screen, one can clearly compare the new 2K22 on the stadium lighting effects on the floor, the dynamics of fans in reserve and regular players as well as the precision of faces of the players, their tattoos, tattoos, and beards will lead to breakthroughs.
In addition, numerous new features have been added to the warm-up, as well as player introduction prior to the start of Cheap MT 2K22 the wave including the approach animation along with player interaction. Highlight clips, singing the national song and more. They are also more vividly displayed.